Located in a dedicated building on beside the Biological & Geological Sciences building, the Biotron Integrated Microscopy Facility is a leading-edge facility offering electron and light microscopy, with a cohort of experienced staff to help ensure the success of your experiments.
Location & Contact
Location: Integrated Microscopy Facility, Biotron Building
Biotron Facility Manager: Carrie Hamilton, carrie.hamilton@uwo.ca
Integrated Microscopy Facility Specialists:
- Karen Nygard, Microscopy Specialist Biotron_microscopy@uwo.ca
- Reza Khazaee, Microscopy Specialist Biotron_microscopy@uwo.ca
Webpage: https://uwo.ca/sci/research/biotron/integrated_microscopy/index.html
Available Instruments
Philips CM10 Transmission Microscope
The extremely capable CM 10 is a user friendly instrument. Ours has been upgraded with a digital imaging system and has a LaB6 Filament for greater beam stability. With up to 100Kv accelerating voltage, the CM 10 is an excellent system for both biological and material imaging including plant cells, viruses, fimbriae and nanoparticles, as well as structure analysis and immunoelectron microscopy.
Compound Fluorescence: Imager Z1
A cornerstone in Biotron’s Imaging Module is the Compound Fluorescence: Imager Z1 by Zeiss. This upright compound microscope offers our users an ideal imaging solution for a wide variety of samples with superb optics. Ergometric design with digital scope control means user comfort over long stints. The Z1 provides 8 channels of fluorescence plus bright field, dark field, phase and DIC imaging. It is outfitted with up to 8 high numerical aperture objectives ranging from 2.5x up to 100x magnification, and both high-sensitivity fluorescence and high resolution colour cameras.
This fully digital Z1 Imager allows users to design and implement complex imaging projects with repeatability and control. The user-friendly Zen software offers modules for:
- Automated output to both Image Pro and Imaris analysis software.
- Automated Multichannel imaging in up to 8 channels.
- Automated Z-stack imaging with extended depth of focus module to bring all layers into sharp relief.
- Time series mode with and without photobleaching.
- Stitching and tiling mode for imaging whole tissues or whole slides automatically in all experimental modes (e.g., multichannel, z-stack, time series, etc.).
- Inside 4D rendering software for 3D plus time rendering.
Nikon Eclipse Ti2E Inverted Deconvolution System
This microscope is a general-purpose widefield microscope designed to allow for a range imaging approaches. This microscope also includes a colour camera for white light imaging in addition to a sensitive high-QE camera for fluorescent imaging.
- MULTI DIMENSIONAL (ND) ACQUISITION: Build experiments with multiple dimensions, with choice of wizard –guided or manual build:
- Multichannel
- Z-stack
- Multiple XY points saved with a click
- Large image tile and stitch
- Time phase routines
- Autofocus routines
- Change temperature, gas exchange, or microfluidic drug introductions
Spinning Disk Confocal
This microscope has recently been installed, and additional details on its capabilities will be provided in the future.
Our Stereo Lumar can provide a true stereo image at up to 125× magnification with sub-micrometer resolution in three fluorescent channels (UV, Green, and Red). It can image in both transmitted and reflected light modes for optimal lighting of a wide variety of samples.