Lunch ‘n’ Learn – Super Resolution Microscopy
Micrographia@Western will be hosting a lunch ‘n’ learn session on the super-resolution technologies available at Western University. This session will cover the theory and application of Super Resolution Radial Fluctuation Microscopy (SRRF), Airyscan Confocal, STimulated Emission Depletion microscopy (STED) and Ground State Depletion Microscopy (GSDM). All of these technologies are available to Western researchers, so bring your lunch and learn about what these technologies can do for your research program!
Presented by Drs. Bryan Heit (Molecular Imaging Facility) and Shahrzad Bahrampou (MouseTRAP)
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Micrographia@Western Activities

About Us
Microscopy is a technology central to many scientific disciplines and has been subject to significant capital investments by faculties, departments, and individual faculty members at Western University. However, the rapid evolution of new imaging technologies and their associated, complex methodologies necessitates formalized training, active collaboration between microscopists, practical mentorship of trainees, and leveraging of the expertise and technologies already available in Western’s established cores facilities. Micrographia@Western brings together microscopists from across Western University, including the affiliated hospitals and colleges, to promote microscopy education and the use of microscopy in research.
Engage with your local microscopy enthusiasts.
Work with skilled microscopists from across London, Ontario.
Courses, mentorship, and networking.