Welcome to Micrographia@Western

Micrographia@Western brings together microscopists from across Western University in order to develop, support, and grow an inclusive and supportive community of microscopists, run educational programs, establish mentorships, and to promote and enhance Western’s microscopy core facilities.

Lunch ‘n’ Learn – Super Resolution Microscopy

Micrographia@Western will be hosting a lunch ‘n’ learn session on the super-resolution technologies available at Western University. This session will cover the theory and application of Super Resolution Radial Fluctuation Microscopy (SRRF), Airyscan Confocal, STimulated Emission Depletion microscopy (STED) and Ground State Depletion Microscopy (GSDM). All of these technologies are available to Western researchers, so bring your lunch and learn about what these technologies can do for your research program!

Presented by Drs. Bryan Heit (Molecular Imaging Facility) and Shahrzad Bahrampou (MouseTRAP)

Working on a grant? We can help!

Contact us for letters of support, identifying potential collaborators, advice on experimental design, and recommended verbiage for proposals and budgets. Click Here for more information on our grant support services.

Micrographia@Western Activities

Orange: Peroxisomes/PMP
Yellow: Actin/Phalloidin
Cyan:  Vimentin


During the fall reading week, Micrographia@Western offers a course on basic microscopy principals, imaging modalities, experimental design, sample preparation, and image analysis. During the winter reading break we offer a series of workshop-style courses on advanced imaging modalities and sample preparation. These courses, and other educational opportunities, are open to all members of Micrographia@Western.


Several times each year lunchtime seminars are held where an expert provides a talk on a microscope technology, technique, or analytical approach, with the goal of educating the participants on the research opportunities provided by the technique/technology. These are often paired with existing equipment, or an incoming demonstration system, allowing participants the opportunity to gain hands-on experience with the technique or technology.

Mentorship & Research

Western University has many are experts in a broad range of microscopy techniques. Micrographia@Western supports the establishment of one-on-one mentorships between experts in these specialized techniques and trainees/scientists wishing to establish these techniques in their own research programs.

Stone Pine Needle, in fluorescence

About Us

Microscopy is a technology central to many scientific disciplines and has been subject to significant capital investments by faculties, departments, and individual faculty members at Western University. However, the rapid evolution of new imaging technologies and their associated, complex methodologies necessitates formalized training, active collaboration between microscopists, practical mentorship of trainees, and leveraging of the expertise and technologies already available in Western’s established cores facilities. Micrographia@Western brings together microscopists from across Western University, including the affiliated hospitals and colleges, to promote microscopy education and the use of microscopy in research.

Primary Academic Functions:
1. Provide formal training in microscopy through courses, seminars, and other training endeavors.
2. Promote mentorships between experts in specific microscopy approaches and trainees or faculty members whose research would benefit from those approaches.
3. Enhance research at Western through the specific adoption of microscopy-based approaches.
4. Promote the existing microscope technology, methodologies, and expertise available in Western’s core facilities.
5. Promote the coordinated acquisition of leading-edge microscopy technology and assist in the adoption of these new technologies and techniques by Western researchers.



Engage with your local microscopy enthusiasts.



Work with skilled microscopists from across London, Ontario.



Courses, mentorship, and networking.

Membership to Micrographia@Western is available to all faculty, students, and staff at Western University and its affiliate colleges and hospitals.

Membership is free!

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